American Honey

       American Honey brings a reality check into America’s poverty  and its youth, a window into the lives of kids from the heartland, finding their way  into adulthood, not always searching in the right place or with the right crowd, but nevertheless learning from the experience, sharing their  uncertainties and desires, and most  all, having fun. The crew of actors, Shia LaBeouf and Riley Keough, and non-actors, including Sasha Lane as Star, the protagonist of the story, blends together beautifully.  At times the film reads like a documentary. It’s raw, it’s real. The music is a very powerful  source of adrenaline with a mix of hard core rap and country songs. The movie  promises a good plot and an engaging story: teenagers first-real-life-job selling door to door magazine subscriptions. Their first shot at independence. Sadly, the editing job is deficient: scenes become repetitive, including sex scenes and  van rides.The movie lasts close to three unnecessary hours. I am suspicious of writers and filmmakers who do not dare to cut, edit, delete  the extra material they create; they get so infatuated with their genius, or  so emotionally involved with the scenes, that they fail miserably at sorting what is really meaningful and relevant in a story, and what is ultimately, crap. By the way it is interesting to watch how different  the movie trailers from US and Australia really are. The  editor, Joe Bini, and British director, Andrea  Arnold, should have shrunk the movie to a more traditional time frame. (Not saying that traditional should be the norm), but in this case, it could have worked wonders with the great material they had. It could have been an amazing movie, but it falls short of the editing part. It could have made the list  of the classic  growing up, coming of age, road trip  films if only… Still, it delivers mesmerizing scenes. An excellent  movie, worth watching. If you have seen American Honey, I am interested in finding out  what you think.


  1. Excellent review. I'll see the movie a ver que tal

    1. Yes please do, and let me know what you think. Some film critics consider it one of the best films of the year.

  2. You don't deliver constructive critique on editing. You just say it's crap cause it's too long. Honestly, have you once felt bored while watching? I would love to read which particular scenes you consider unnecessary. But before please give it a deep heartful thought: what does this particular scene give you, how does it make you feel? Or maybe it just gives you time to digest emotions from a scene before? What would deleting this or other particluar scene give to the movie, and what would be taken away from it.

  3. Hi K. Thanks for your smart comments.
    Definitely, I would have shorten love scenes and van rides in American Honey. Yes, we understood the first time: kids want to have fun, love to have sex, (or make love ), experiment with drugs and booze. They bring their existence to the edge, like there is no tomorrow. These particular scenes were repetitive and they weighted heavily on my movie experience. I can't deliver constructive criticism on editing since I am not a cinematographer, so my opinion is very limited in that sense. But my experience watching, studying good films in which there is no waste, and as a writer delivering the message in the most efficient way (saving words and avoiding recurring on the same idea over and over again) give me some of the tools necessary to recognize what works and what does not in a film. Thanks for reading my post, hope to see you around often. By the way K, you sound like one of my film teachers at FIU.


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